
Showing result 451 to 500 of 1,474 quests found.
Lv40. Exquisite Craftsmanship
Type Main

Templar Commander Andre believes you'll need a new saddle for your ostrich if you hope to make it to the Demarech Mines. He asks you to give the armaments requirement list to Knight Blacksmith Analisa. She'll make a superior ostrich saddle for you.

Lv40. Ostrich Ride
Type Main

Analisa wants you to test out the ostrich's new saddle. Take Blacksmith Apprentice Byron on an ostrich ride around Navea.

Lv40. Blacksmith's Pride
Type Main

Analisa asks you to tell Templar Commander Andre that you have received the ostrich saddle.

Lv40. Demarech Mines
Type Main

Templar Commander Andre gives you the emblem of the Investigation Team and asks you to bring it to the Demarech Mines, where you will meet Investigation Team Leader Victoria.

Lv45. Save the Gaia Cube
Type Main

The Grand Bishop hopes you can help the Templars recover the Gaia Cube. Get some information from Highland Intelligence Officer Darcy and Marsh Intelligence Officer Angus.

Lv45. Triatio Highlands
Type Main

Darcy heard rumors of a giant monster rearing its ugly head in the Highlands. He suggests you go there and find out what you can about the Shadow Knight's newest evil scheme. Assist the soldiers in the Triatio Highlands.

Lv50. Candeo Marsh
Type Main

After learning about brutal murders in Candeo Marsh, Angus hopes you can stop the bandits there before they join forces with the Shadow Knight. Go meet the soldiers in Candeo Marsh, and start investigating.

Lv50. Shadow Knight's Past
Type Main

Belenus is grateful to you for your aid against the Shadow Knight, and has decided it's time for you to understand what you are up against.

Lv50. Shadow Knight's Revenge
Type Main

It seems as though the Shadow Knight successfully tamed vicious monsters in Silent Ice Field. Defeat the gigantic demons he summoned, and teach him a lesson he won't soon forget.

Lv50. Forces Unite
Type Main

The Grand Bishop decides to seek help from across the world to deal with the Shadow Knight. Get some information from Ventos Prairie Travel Agent Cecile and Star Sand Desert Travel Agent Seagram, and tell the quartermaster to deliver the supplies as soon as possible.

Lv50. Ventos Prairie Bound
Type Main

Ventos Prairie Travel Agent Cecile suggests that you speak with Leo's Bodyguard first if you want to go to Ventos Prairie. She also warns you that a very important contest is being held at the moment.

Lv50. Bound for Oblitus Wood
Type Main

Oblitus Wood Travel Agent Glenn explains the difficult situation at Nudak Fortress. He hopes you can go to Oblitus Wood to find Fortress Commander Carrick and help him get out of this mess.

Lv50. Bound for Star Sand Desert
Type Main

Star Sand Desert Travel Agent Seagram doesn't think you'll get the help you need here at the moment. However, he suggests that you find Project Director Hayes. If you're lucky, perhaps he'll lend a hand.

Lv55. Final Battle
Type Main

The Grand Bishop asks you to tell the Templar Commander, Analisa from Navea, and Augustus from Cactakara Forest to ready themselves for battle. He also wants you to go back to Skandia and talk to Sheila.

Lv13. Secret Stone Merchant
Type Main

Isaac gave you a Secret Stone, but you're not sure exactly what to do with it. Bring it to Secret Stone Merchant Soren in Helonia, and ask him to identify it. With the proper information, perhaps you can figure out how to use it.

Lv10. Brian's Song
Type Main

Willie sent word that the team leader made a new discovery about Brian. Go to the north of Timbria Forest, and ask Garrison Captain Kane for more information.

Lv25. Call of Gaia
Type Main

Your Eidolon hears voices calling. To investigate these voices, you decide to go to Altar of the Moon in Crescent Hill with your Eidolon.

Lv40. Resonance of Gaia
Type Main

Your Eidolon has heard the summoning voices again. After the last time, you've decided to follow the voices to Demarech Pool, in the Demarech Mines.

Lv42. Materials for Forging
Type Main

Analisa wants to teach you about Precision Forging.

Lv42. Forging Practice
Type Main

Talk to Analisa in Navea to learn how to make Semi-Produced Items.

Lv42. Eidolon Accessories
Type Main

Talk to Analisa in Navea to learn about Refining Cores.

Lv52. Advanced Refining
Type Main

Collect the materials by yourself to forge Alloys. You can finish this quest with the help of Analisa at Navea or Harvey at the Demarech Mine. Formulas are displayed on the left side of the Refining Interface. The menu will display the items you need.

Lv52. Advanced Refining Practice
Type Main

Collect the materials by yourself to forge an Eidolon Accessory. You can finish this quest with the help of Analisa at Navea or Harvey at the Demarech Mine. Formulas are displayed on the left side of the Refining Interface. The menu will display the items you need.

Lv49. Arena Rules
Type Main

Major Gerald in the city of Navea will tell you all about the PVP Arena rules.

Lv60. The Sky Tower
Type Main

After reminiscing with Shelia, you realize you will soon confront the Shadow Knight and his demons. A messenger from Navea has brought orders from the Grand Bishop. Return to Navea and speak to the guardian of the Sky Tower, Barry. Continue your training with quests from Mirabelle's Bulletin Board and dungeons.

Lv63. Soporific Spores
Type Main

Clear Rainmist Dell of all Spore Mushrooms and Spotted Mushrooms.

Lv63. Rise and Shine
Type Main

Gather some Energy Leaves to rid the soliders of the mushrooms' soporific effects.

Lv63. Hookah Energy Therapy
Type Main

Use the Energy Leaf Hookah on the unconcious soldiers to rid them of the mushrooms' soporific effects.

Lv63. Cold, Cold Night
Type Main

Collect Soft Fox Fur from Bat-Eared Foxes to make warm coats for the solidiers, enabling them to survive the cold night.

Lv63. Defend Rainmist Dell
Type Main

Drive away the Forest Foxes to keep them from attacking the villagers.

Lv63. Magic Extractor
Type Main

Walter has been worrying a lot about the state of affairs in Fel Town. He asks you to find Caresha and get more info.

Lv63. Detector Snail
Type Main

Release the Soulless Snail from its cage to detect the source of magic interference.

Lv64. A Dark Path
Type Main

Caresha has found out that the wizards of Fel Town may be in revolt. Eliminate the Mushroom Giants and find the soldiers who were sent to transport the Magic Extractor.

Lv64. Don't Look Now...
Type Main

You're being followed! Mushroom Giantstalkers are gaining ground. Kill the Mushroom Giantstalkers so that Elmo can safely retreat to Rainmist Dell.

Lv64. A Familiar Face
Type Main

Elmo is on his way back to Rainmist Dell. It's time for you to head to Fel Town to meet Squad Leader Robinson.

Lv64. Search for Hermione
Type Main

While Robinson is searching for Hermione, you need to eliminate those annoying Demon Apprentices.

Lv64. Saving Hermione
Type Main

Robinson has been wounded. You ask him to stay put and get some rest while you eliminate the threat. You give Robinson your word that you'll bring Hermione back safe and sound.

Lv64. Battle for Fel Town
Type Main

Elite Demon Sorceresses have surrounded Hermione's hiding spot. Drive them away so you can ask Hermione what has happened.

Lv64. From Trash to Treasure
Type Main

Search for Old Crates, Wood Piles and Enemy Flags so Hermione can repair the Cart.

Lv65. Prelude to Revenge
Type Main

Only the Demonologist Leader knows the whereabouts of the rebelling wizards. Eliminate the Fel Devil Wizard and Fel Mushroom Giants and locate the Demonologist Leader.

Lv65. Glyphed Shackles
Type Main

Fel Town Mayor Brook seems to have a plan to catch the Demonologist Leader. Defeat the Fel Demonologist and give the Glyphed Shackles to Brook.

Lv65. Tit for Tat
Type Main

Use the Glyphed Shackles on the Demonologist Leader to defeat him. Then bring him to Brook for interrogation. If you lose the "Looking for Shawn" buff, abort the quest and start over.

Lv65. Hasty Retreat
Type Main

While Hermione is repairing the cart, try and find Squad Leader Robinson.

Lv65. Path of Least Resistance
Type Main

Brook suggests that the safest path of retreat is to the north. Eliminate the fleeing Mushroom Giants to neutralize the threat of an attack during the retreat.

Lv65. Antidote Ingredients
Type Main

To buy some time, Brook decides to make the antidote while transporting the Magic Extractor. Collect droplets of Crystal Dew from Floating Sporangia and use them to make the Antidote.

Lv65. Saving Seeds
Type Main

Fel Town doesn't have enough seeds in storage. Defeat the Hardshell Sporangia and steal their spores, to be used as a temporary substitute.

L65. Rise and Shine
Type Main

You return to Rainmist Dell to find that the antidote has worked! Talk to Caresha to see what else you can do to help.

L65. An Old Friend
Type Main

Caresha says that one of the wounded insists on seeing you. Follow the Medic and find out who it is.

Lv65. Makar Elites
Type Main

You promised Ike you'd provide assistance to the Makars in Titan's Grove. Go find Tatiana there and get more info.

Lv65. Pollution Solution
Type Main

Cut down the Contaminated Mushrooms and Fluorescent Mushrooms to prevent the pollution from getting any worse.